Work completed for Episcopal Homes and Episcopal Homes Foundation:
• Collateral • Website Design • Copy & Content • Blog Copy
Social Media Content • Photography • Editorial Layout & Design • Event Collateral • Digital and Physical Event Support

Large-scale posters made for Women's History

Donor Recognition program

Map made for Brochures

Annual Report 2018
Episcopal Homes of Minnesota is a continuum of care senior living campus in the heart of St. Paul. With over 125 years of dignity and respect for elders, Episcopal Homes has a reputation to uphold and countless stories of caring relationships to share.
I interact with Episcopal Homes as a Marketing Coordinator. At times, design work was challenging working without an official brand manual. There have been several attempts at refreshing their visuals, but none fully fleshed out. I took note of what branding we had existing, and how we could reign it in, at least temporarily.
My favorite projects so far have been event collateral and remaking their Transitional Care Unit (TCU) Guest Information Binder. One has allowed me creative freedom in making high-quality event identities, and the other a chance to work within a pre-made program identity and simply working on refreshing a current document.
My other favorite task at Episcopal Homes has been photography. I've been able to interact with residents and elders, children, and even a llama at a petting zoo in our parking lot!